Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

SMS Cinta - SMS Teman

Posted on 09.55 by indra

SMS Cinta - SMS Teman

aq mrasa SIMPATI pd mu
krn km ibrt MENTARI
yg snar membuat htq s'bning XL
n aq bz BEBAS m'cintaimu

spu-AS hti q n km pntas d'ancungin JEMPOL
knr dari sgi fisik sangat FLEXI-bel
oleh krn itu km mnjadi FREN q sampai saat ini

14 Response to "SMS Cinta - SMS Teman"

Rizkyzone Says....

aq juga pernah dapet sms seperti ini, dan masih aq simpen sampai sekarang di hapq keren euy

Renungkan Wahai Sahabat Ku

Narutopedia Express - The Second Generation of Leaf Ninja Says....

Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills

Narutopedia Express - The Second Generation of Leaf Ninja Says....

Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills

Narutopedia Express - The Second Generation of Leaf Ninja Says....

Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills

Narutopedia Express - The Second Generation of Leaf Ninja Says....

Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills

Narutopedia Express - The Second Generation of Leaf Ninja Says....

Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills

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